Instagram Stories
Instagram Stories
I’ve never appreciated Instagram Stories. I think this is due to the fact that it came after Snapchat, and I’ve somehow (mistakenly) compared it to Snapchat which is the wrong comparison to make. When I first started using IG Stories, I’ve always used it like how I used Snapchat, partly because that’s how people I follow use it. And my impression to the vlog format is that it’s not me and I just didn’t have the time to do all that.
But over time I’ve understood that it is NOT Snapchat, although it can be used that way of course. It should’ve been obvious in the first place - the name itself says Stories - but other people’s usage of it had an effect on how I ended up using it.
So hopefully I’ll be smarter when and when not to use it. I’d love to get into story-telling sometime and hopefully, that’ll be the platform I will be starting with.